I found this in El Vocero today thought it appeared on the 29th. One of our rocket scientists in the Puerto Rico Senate wants to ban the use of residential and other generators.
Now normally I would think this is not a bad idea to keep noise levels down. The problem with this bill now is that 1) We already have noise laws that include noisy generators and 2) WE HAVE BEEN WITHOUT LIGHT FOR 2-1/2 MONTHS!!! I run a generator at night not to annoy my neighbors, they are running jennys too, but because the govt owned power authority, controlled by politicians like Sen Cruz, cannot provide power.
Why can't they provide power? Partly because of the hurricane. But also because politicians like Sen Cruz have not been doing their jobs for the past 30-40 years and currently a large part of the generating capacity in northern PR is inoperable. The hurricane blew down the south to north transmission lines but we never should have been so dependent on the plants in the south to begin with.
He does seem to say that the govt should cut us some slack in enforcing the law in these times. But why do should I need to depend on the better nature of the govt? They have proven over and over again that they do not have a better nature.
Thanks, Senator.
Prohibirían uso de plantas eléctricas ruidosas
Entre las 10:01 p.m. y las 6:59 a.m.
El periodo nocturno se contemplaría entre las 10:01 p.m. hasta las 6:59 a.m. del día siguiente. A estos ruidos, considerados contaminación bajo la ley, no se les establece una distancia mínima para su emisión más bien ahora se acomodarán por zonas permitidas y periodos prohibidos.El autor del Proyecto del Senado 721 y senador por el distrito de Ponce, Nelson Cruz Santiago, detalló que “ante las circunstancias actuales que atraviesa el País, era necesario atemperar la ley a la realidad que vivimos”.
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